Tschugger - Season 2 (Trailer)

Tschugger – second season – premieres on 15 September exclusively on Sky Show and will be shown on SRF from 18 December.
Produced by Shining Film, in co-production with SRF and in collaboration with Sky Switzerland.
SRF: Patric Rymann, Baptiste Planche, Bettina Alber, Urs Fitze, Benjamin Magnin
SKY: Fabian Stein
Producer: Sophie Toth
Screenplay: David Constantin, Mats Frey, Rafael Kistler, Leandro Russo, Johannes Bachmann, Arnold Bucher
Director: David Constantin
2nd Director: Leandro Russo
DOP: Rafael Kistler
Edited by: Alessandro Biffi, Sophie Blöchlinger
Main Cast: David Constantin, Dragan Vujic, Anna Rossinelli, Annalena Miano, Arsène Junior Page, Olivier Imboden, Stefan Perceval, Cédric Schild, Laurent Chevrier, Clelia Fux, Gabriel Oldham, Lena Furrer, Fabrice Schalbetter, Ida Häfliger, Matteo Santafemia
Line Producer: Jean-Marie Gindraux
Director 2nd Unit: Johannes Bachmann
DOP 2nd Unit: Lukas Graf
1st AD: Björn Baumann
Script Supervisor: Severin Gmünnder
1st AC: Andreas Schneuwly
Gaffer: Simon Wottreng
Grip: Gregoire Tomat
Unit Manager: Dirk Appermont
Location Scout: Stefan Künzler
Costume Designer: Ursina Schmid
Hair & Make Up: Nicole Zingg
Production Designer: Peter Scherz
Sound: Ivo Schläpfer
Stunt: Kellerstunts, (Oliver Keller)
Multicopter: Birdviewpicture und Christian Mülhauser
Casting: all_einheit, Johannes Millius, Salomé Raynal, David Haisch, Marysol Fernandez
Postproduction: Shining Film AG
Music: MassiveMusic (Rutger Reinders)
Soundmix: Jingle Jungle Tonstudios (Gregor Rosenberger, Michael Schwarz)
Colorist: Unsere Farben (Jürgen Kupka)
Graphics: Pulk (Pascal Schelbli)
Press (Selection):
Tagesanzeiger: Hausbesuch bei den Masterminds der Schweizer Erfolgsserie
Persönlich: Zweite Staffel ab Mitte Dezember auf SRF 1